As it says on the tin.
A week's almost gone by. If 2023's version is up and I'm not seeing it anywhere, then I've definitely missed Days 1-6.
Fiction Writer on Ao3 and blue moon artist.
Recent activity on Twitter, which has come to a hiatus for now. Still on Pokeheroes. DM me if you wanna chat on Discord.
Age 34, Female
Job hunting
I don't go anymore. :P
Joined on 2/26/12
Posted by TedizStalker - December 5th, 2023
As it says on the tin.
A week's almost gone by. If 2023's version is up and I'm not seeing it anywhere, then I've definitely missed Days 1-6.
Read this thread.
After the news post, scroll down a little and you can
see Tom's answer.
Basically though, if you don't want to read, it'll be shortened to 12 days.
Thank you for telling me. I'll go check it out!